The Dark Knight

Daniel B
1 min readFeb 16, 2023

I enjoyed BatMan Begins I couldn’t wait to see The Dark Knight. It sounds weird saying it coming from me a former-marvel fan. The only movies I like to see are The BatMan movies, and Wonder Woman movies those two are the only exceptions. When I finished The Dark Knight I thought it was better than BatMan Begins. Heath Ledger was a terrifying joker it startled me for most of the movie so I would understand if all the cast members were scared and intimidated by him as well. I also enjoyed the movie because it was longer than the first one so I could enjoy more fights and humorous scenes. I not only liked Heath Ledger’s performance I liked everyone else’s as well to make this movie possible. Not only this was the best BatMan movie ever in my opinion Heath Ledger did the best Joker as well. This was a little darker than BatMan Begins and I have seen The Dark Knight Rises and that is The Darkest BatMan movie of them all.

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