Neil deGrasse Tyson is an american astrophysicist and he is a good guy and you may know him in a cameo in Brooklyn nine-nine. But you may not know he was in a few movies also like Ice Age Collision Course, and Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice. He was in a few TV shows and movies but in my opinion none of them are as big as Ice Age and Batman vs Superman. Neil deGrasse Tyson also discovered star formation, exploding stars, dwarf galaxies, and the structure of the Milky Way. So Neil deGrasse Tyson did some impressive stuff he was in movies (and T.V. Shows), he discovered something interesting so even though he is 63 now he accomplished a lot in his life and he did a lot of impressive experiments and explored things that people did not know. I hope he continues to help and impress people in the future also.